Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Garden Shed - Bothy Threads Cut Thru #1

Garden Shed, Bothy Threads, Update #1
Here is my first installment for my Monday SAL - I will give this project a special page, as my other SALS do, but as I am at work right now, I will have to come back to it later.

If you have never stitched a Bothy Thread, let me tell you, the things I love after just stitching this little piece - The chart is amazing clear, and large.  I got two charts, one with out the backstitching.  It is so easy to read. The symbols are clear and so far very different - it was easy to tell the difference.
There are so few colors - your floss expensive will be at a minimum (I did not purchase the kit). And it is DMC Excellent.
I think I will find more things I love as I continue to stitch - I am already looking at the choices for my next one.  This SAL is being "sponsored by" Debbie, click here to see the recent pictures of all the WIPS


  1. What a great start to your Garden Shed, Mindi! I'm looking forward to seeing this come to life!

    I added your pic to the SAL page: http://debbiescrossstitch.blogspot.com/p/bothy-threads-cut-thru-sal.html

  2. Brilliant start to the SAL, it's going to be great when it's done.

    Cut thru lighthouse

  3. Great new start Mindy. I love seeing everyones progress. I also have a SAL page.


  4. Fab start Melinda, look forward to seeing this grow :)

  5. Yep I love Bothy Threads charts as well, I'm stitching 4 of their Gorjuss Girl kits. Great start!
    Alicia xo

  6. Great start. Love the chart your stitching. Glad your in this SAL. I'm in on this SAL too. Looking forward to seeing your progress. love Annette


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