Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bothy Threads #2 and Chocolate Cake

Garden Shed #2 Bothy Threads
 Here is the newest WIP of my Garden Shed.  I started on Page 1, the top left.  When I learned to cross stitch, the woman who taught me, always had me start here. Over time, I have found starting in the center is a sure way to make sure you do not misjudge the fabric.  Point being - I have started this very, very close to the left side of the fabric.  As I do the next two pages down, you will see.  I know I will have enough to complete the project, but there will be less left over.....  Never the less, I opted not to start over - because the very last thing I ever try to do when stitching, is frog, start over.  Here is a link that will take you to all the updates of all the Bothy Threads latest WIPS

Chocolate Cake Sampler
I started this next one in January.  I can't find any of my before pictures, which doesn't surprise me much as I have a very difficult time with organization - but this is one I started for my daughter who has a Bachelors degree in Sociology, but really wants to be a Baker, and has gone back to school.  This is my latest update, and the Pick of the Month. - Focus Project when Not working on SALS.
Started January 2013


  1. Your cut through looks great. I love doing a top left start if I can!!!

    The chocolate cake WIP looks yummy!!!

  2. Great progress on both pieces Mindy. Love them both.


  3. Wow, Mindy! You've done a lot on your Garden Shed roof this week! I added a pic to the SAL page:

    The Chocolate Cake Sampler looks luscious and is a perfect design to stitch for your daughter!

  4. Looks good enough to eat!!! Great progress on both of them xo

  5. I love your Garden Shed! It looks great. What a cute sampler and I think it is the perfect inspiration for your daughter!

  6. I love both pieces, they look great! I am sure your daughter will love the sampler.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.