Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April Ornament

April Ornament  Black Cat Alphabet by Judy Whitman of JBW Designs, Just Cross Stitch Halloween 2012.   It is on Black Aida and I used DMC Light Flourscent Floss - the Yellow one.  This month has been worse than last night, as far as me finding time for stitching and blogging.  I use to blog during the day, and my job has changed so drastically, I have no time for blogging, so sad.  But here's to hoping the upcoming month will bring many stitching and blogging opportunities...  If you would like to take a peek at all sorts of amazing ornaments, stop on over to StitchingLotus


  1. Great Ornament. Lovely. Here's hoping you find some stitching and blogging time soon.

  2. Often wanted to use this floss but never found the correct pattern for it. That looks pretty amazing!

  3. That will look great glowing in the dark!!

  4. What a beautiful kitty ornie, Mindy! I bought some glow-in-the-dark floss for a Halloween design but haven't used it yet.

  5. Gorgeous! Love the colour on the black fabric x

  6. What a cute kitty and with fluorescent floss too - great idea!

    Hope you get more time to do some stuff for yourself :)

  7. This looks amazing on the black!

  8. I so understand how life can get in the way of stitching, it can be frustrating - the thread you used looks great against the black - hugs, Amanda

  9. This is so cute!! I love the color combo!!

  10. I love your fluorescent thread! I used the DMC glow in the dark for a ghost last year and that looks great too.

    I might have to try this be too.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.