Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day Light Savings Time

Last night was Fall Back - so I picked up an extra hour of sleep last night, which since I am a little under the weather, I won't complain.  But just what is this daylight savings time .  I understand the reasons behind this, but to me - I do not like it.  I like the sun in the morning, for the most part I am an Early to Rise person. 

My Wonderful Friend, Dakota.  A Blessing for sure
So first up for today - to run around the house and set all the clocks, and can't forget the clock in the truck.  It is so late in the year, it won't make much difference in the mornings - but for at least a week, Dakota (my dog) and me will get to run/walk every morning and it won't be so dark.  So just where do I walk? Here are a few pictures.

Highest part of the walk - looking out over the East End of the City

About three blocks away - we have a ton of deer in the neighborhood, October is a great month for deer sighting - both in early morning and evening. No pictures though - they are so peaceful looking I am sure I could snag one, I just never have a picture taking device when I see them.

This is one of the most beautiful things in my neighborhood - the park - I live in the city, and I am amazed at our beautiful parks.  This is about a mile from my house.

Dakota - Looking for squirrels of course.  She is a great hunter dog. Rescued from a local shelter almost 5 years ago

Another small waterfall - this is in the park.  This is the park the kids take their prom pictures in and there is always a wedding there. 

These are just a few pictures, taken in a different season, but it still shows you the neighborhood.  Just a side note - I do not live in THE NEIGHBORHOOD, I live in "Lower Strathmore", love my house, love my neighborhood, but just saying....  That is my blessing of the day - My Dog, my neighborhood, me being able to walk my dog without fear. 


  1. What a beautiful place to walk. Woody and I just see the same old houses in our neighborhood. When he's lucky, we run into some children to pet him, as he's very much a people person and is afraid of most dogs! Guess he doesn't know he is one!

  2. What a lovely neighbourhood you live in! Its been so dark in the mornings already!!!

  3. I think the time for DST is long gone. Bring on AZ time! :) Beautiful town - lucky you. Especially love the gazebo at the lake!

    1. This is where they take all the Wedding and Prom pictures. I will take a picture of it, once they put the holiday lights up. People use to be able to skate there, but no more. I guess too dangerous

  4. I am with you! I am an early bird and love the sun in the morning. I think it is time to stop the clock changing and have all of us on one time from now on.

    Love Dakota...our Jack Russell; Bowser looks just like your Dakota!

    1. Faith, People have asked me if Dakota is a Jack Russell - the people at the shelter did not know, they just knew a Hunter dropped her off. She is the best dog.

  5. I'm not a big fan of changing the clocks around. I like it light in the morning, too. As it is, I get up in the dark and it's dark when I get off work. Bleah.

  6. I think DST just adds to the winter blues -- getting home in the dark is no fun; I need sunlight! Your walk looks like it goes through a beautiful area and the view from the one spot is stunning!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.