Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Cross Stitch Update

Fancy Dancing Very happy this week, I finished page 6 and have even started some on page 3. But did leave some confetti on page 2 - I will have very little time to stitch this week so my goal is to finish the detail on page 2.  Not sure if that will happen.  But this is my favorite piece to work on right now, so I don't want to stop until I finish this page.

Off camping for a bit with my girlfriend ButtonWood Grove.  Looking forward to a wonderful relaxing weekend, and am prepared to stay on my plan with great choices.  Be Safe


  1. enjoy yourself camping! Your stitching will be there waiting for you when you get back :)

    1. It was awesome so much fun - course we were in a cabin with a bathroom and heat.... But to me it was camping

  2. Congrats on your finish!! Love the blues and the feeling this piece gives me (I feel like dancing thanks to the swirls LOL). Enjoy your camping trip!!

    1. Thanks - I love the blues too. It is just so relaxing and an easy stitch.... Camping was great. Can't wait until my next trip


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.