Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Stitch a little

 New for 2014 - even if you only have 30 minutes for stitching - Stitch.  It is one of the most favorite things you do - you love all of it - sometimes, even the frogging.  There are days, in THE PAST, I have not picked up the needle, if I thought - it's too late, or your too busy tonight, etc, etc.  One of my goals for 2014 was to stitch - every night - even if it took me longer to pull out the project and thread the needle, than the time I would spend making x's.  And I have been somewhat successful with this approach - and I am surprised how happy this one small change has made me.  I have three different projects to share - Hoping one will soon be complete - as this year, no new start until I finish something (well there will be an exception for my ornaments - which I haven't started yet).

Below you will see, My Precious Moment, My Coffee Banner, and My Garden Shed (Linda and Deb's Monday SAL).
Precious Moments - My little precious is completed, need to finish the puppy, the grass (a few flowers) and the back stitching. 

We have a latte, and the start of another mug.
I have stated the flowers on the roof - more bugs and a butterfly and more yellow paint for my shed.


  1. It looks like you are getting lots done. Your idea seems to be working!

  2. Your Stitching looks wonderful!!!! I try to stitch every night while watching some TV
    Happy Stitching

  3. Wonderful progress on all of them Mindy. I love the coffee banner. Can you tell me what magazine its in.


  4. I agree... even a few minutes a day adds up. Your projects look really good. I'm liking how the coffee one is shaping up.

  5. Great stitching...love the PM piece!

  6. Hello

    Just found your blog.
    What a great post - I'm off to get my needle out now!
    Lovely stitching too (:
    Bramble x

  7. Excellent idea! Looks like it's working for you. All your wips look great.
    Alicia xo

  8. It's a neat plan with the 30 minutes and you get so many stitches in in 30 minutes. I also stitch every day no matter how little time I have. And it also makes me happy. Great progress on your projects!

  9. What a cute Precious Moments piece!

  10. That's great that you get some stitching done every day, no matter if it's just 30 minutes! The puppy will be so cute! I added your Shed photo to the Cut Thru' SAL page!

  11. Looking brilliant! Especially Garden Shed ;)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.