Friday, March 1, 2013

Fat Men and Snow Belles March 1

March 1, 2013 Snow Belles, Fat Guys
I think this will be my largest project ever, when it is finished. I also know it will be a project I have had great fun stitching.  Denise over at Riverside Stitching is hosting this SAL, we are stitching the guys and belles together.  Isn't that such a fun idea?

It is crazy to me, it is already March 1 - it seems Easter is coming so quickly this year - I really hate when it is in March - even though the last Sunday, I always like it better in April.  It's a weather thing, it is never warm enough in Central New York in March for "Easter Dresses and Bonnets". 


  1. Oh....I love yours! Seeing a big block of finished stitching so much better than what I am doing (hopping around). And the Easter in March thing...ick. Wish there was a day dedicated to Easter like the rest of the holidays.

  2. What a great idea. It looks great.


  3. Lovely progress on this sweet design!

  4. Your Fatmen look great! I agree about Easter...It belongs in April not March!

  5. Your Fat Men & Snow Belles will look wonderful together!

  6. Hi Melinda - sorry I don't have your email address but just wanted you to know (in case you have not seen already) that at Pickle Barrel Designs - she declared us ALL WINNERS check it out


    1. Faith, I did not see this - thank you so much for sharing..


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