Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Stitching Update
I did not finish all of my December goals, but it would be a very strange thing if I had.  I did finish my 2nd Snow Belle - Baby it's cold outside, which was my number one goal. 

 I am very happy with my progress on Winter by Sue Hillis.  I am so close to being finished, so I hope to be able to finish that off by end of January - but not sure with the 2013 Crazy Cross Stitch Challenge, but stranger things have happened. 

I worked a tiny bit on Santa's Village - and on my other Christmas piece, Santa may sit for quite awhile before he comes out again - but being that Santa's Village is a SAL, and the 2nd part has been released, I will be working a little on it in the month to come. 

2013 Cross Stitch Challenge - 15 Starts in 15 Days, Day 1 - This is a very old chart - from this late 80's early 90's publication.  I have a better picture on my Challenge Page.  I have decided to do this on black - with DMC 3844 - It looks pretty good - I hope to be able to get a better picture next time. 

My January Goals - to work on 15 different projects one different for each of the first 15 days of January.  Some of these will be left overs from other years.  AND
To finish my Next Snow person  

Peace to All.  I hope this new year brings peace and wonderful blessings to all.


  1. Love the LK and the Sue Hillis - love both of those designers ;)

    Good luck with your challenge - I look forward to seeing all your progress!

  2. Your Snow Belles look adorable :) Good luck with your January Challenge!

  3. Great progresses! I love the 'old' project you're working on black. Can't wait to see more of that one :)

  4. Hi Melinda, I looked at all your finishes on Picasa. They are all so wonderful! We have the same taste. I will be happily watching your stitching progress in 2013!

  5. Wishing you good luck in acheiving all your goals in 2013. Snow Belles is so pretty.

  6. Your Snow Belles turned out great!! Happy Stitching!!

  7. Happy New Year!! Your stitching looks great. How do you like stitching on dark fabric?

  8. How did your Crazy January Challenge go? I did well, got in all 15 days. Your December progress looks great.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.