Monday, June 11, 2012

New Start - Fabulous Frogger Giveaway

I was so lucky to win Fabulous Froggers Giveaway, a brand new HAED,with fabric and floss.  SO SERIOUS....  This is QS Yesterday's Gone - Molly Harrison.  I have received floss, fabric, and chart, and have everything almost ready to go.  Will do a little gridding and plan on starting this upcoming Friday.  I am so very excited.  This in not only a most beautiful chart, but think about it Yesterday's Gone.  For real.  PAY ATTENTION MINDY-- you have Today... Live it, and make a memory.


  1. So happy you won and so happy the fabric/floss found it's way to you! :) Can't wait to see your progress!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.