Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Little Christmas Decorating.

Here are my Christmas Decorations - lots from my mom, and the ones
 I have gathered over the years.  I am a Snowman, Cardinal, Gingerbread person -
and I am a Dollar Store, Christmas Tree Shop Shopper....

This is my front porch- it's a quick look, where you can really
see the train and the white tree, my moms,
and the Dollar store snowmen and gingerbreads. 
The lights are a little wacked of course - but they work for me. 

This is a close up of the 2012 tree in Clinton Square,
my daughter-in-law, takes her kids every year to this event.
 This is a picture she took on Friday. 

This is my grandkids (2nd son) at the Christmas Tree Lighting
- as you can see, they close the streets off in downtown for the people.
 A lot of the shops are open late. 
This picture shows Malik, who missed Christmas Craft Day. 
I decorated the blog too -- the picture is also another one of my front porch - I am so not Better Homes and Garden, or Country Living but  I am specially blessed to be comfortable in the way I celebrate this season. 


  1. Wow, lovely pic!!! You're definitely getting us in a Christmas mood :D

  2. Love your new header for the season! I think I can finally feel comfortable digging out my Christmas decorations now that Thanksgiving is safely over.

  3. Beautiful decorations and beautiful grand-kids.

  4. Christmas decorations tell a family's story.

    I have an angel that my MIL bought the first year we were married. It is now looking a bit sorry but it has to go up every year. I have one set of ornaments for the tree that when I unwrap them to hang I can still see my son's face beaming as I held him up to reach branches to hang them on nearly thirty years ago.

  5. Rare is the person who decorates like BH&G and CL, lol. My decorations are scattered here and there. Thanks for sharing your decorating! :)

  6. I'm not one for Christmas decorating. I just find that the pace of life is so fast for Sept-Dec for me that by the time the holidays roll around I'm about ready to crawl into my bed and stay there during the break!

    Lovely decorations!

  7. your decorating looks great! We haven't decorated yet but looking at your stuff is encouraging me!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.