Saturday, September 15, 2012

WIP Update.


 Witches Go Riding.  A finish here is going to be a reality,  I can feel it in my bones.  I am so very excited, it will be done before Halloween.. And it even looks a bit frightening.
 Here is my Fall Hang Up.  Did a little bit.  I have set a finish goal on this project - it is October 15th. 
Medieval Town. I spent a lot of time on the Yuku Bulletin Board, and other blogs of people who have already stitched this.  It is my first Chatelaine, and as each designer sees the world differently, so are their instructions.  All the boards I found out there, and pictures were very helpful, and so, I did get some stitching in.  This one, I found, I have to be in full concentration - it is on 28 ct over 2 - not my normal - the counting of the non stitched squares is still a learning process for me.  I have to count 4 times and stitch 1 it seems. Not complaining - at all, it is exactly what I wanted - More Stitching Knowledge. 

Have found of late, my q snaps are the best - and I think a big reason is the ability to gather up the extra fabric.  Love that.  This will be a long time WIP. 

Going to keep going with these three next week.  Fall and Witches are so close to the final lap.


  1. Wow you are really close on Witches, it looks great!

  2. Witches looks great! Good luck with your have a whole month :)

    1. I know Faith, and watch I will be doing a 24 hour stitch-a-thon on 10/14 to complete. I am so last minute with everything...Fingers crossed, I don't wait that long.

  3. Hello

    Just found your blog.

    Your projects look lovely, I like the Fall hanger the colours.

  4. Love all the autumn projects. Witches is charming and looks like a finish pretty soon. I hope you are enjoying your stitching as your making me jealous with wanting an autumn project of my own. lol.

  5. Get out, you are planning two finishes in a month??!!! You are doing awesome!!

  6. Wow you are going to have a couple of fantastic finishes there!!! My advice if you're not used to stitching on linen/evenweave, when it comes to the specialty stitches, don't count the hols in the fabric but the threads of the weave! I find when trying to do a specialty stitch if I count holes I get into trouble but when I count fabric threads I'm always bang on. I learnt this in a workshop I did with a designer.

    1. This is a wonderful tip - thank you so much for sharing - will try this right away and let you know how I do. Thanks again

  7. You're almost there! Not too long now!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.