Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jody Bergsma - Native Wisdom Day

Jody Bergsma
Good thursday morning...Native Wisdom day!

Looking behind, I am filled with gratitude,
looking forward, I am filled with vision,
looking upwards I am filled with strength,
looking within, I discover peace
~ Apache Prayer...Thanks Kellee Lindauer for sharing this quote! #quote #LOA #Native

Jody posted this on her facebook - it is something I do not want to forget, so I had to put this in my blog.  This is the best. 

I find many of her quotes, her paintings, and her ideas do put me in a peaceful place.  She is good for my soul


  1. That's wonderful, I'm glad you shared it. I have a Jody Bergsma chart "Hummers" in my stash, excited to stitch it!

    1. I think she is just so cool. I love Hummers, have seen it before. Thanks for posting


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